Register yourself and your management team today!
Register yourself and your management team today!
Includes admission to all conference functions,
including educational sessions, meals and any events both days.
Includes admission to all conference functions,
including educational sessions, meals and any events both days.
Includes admission to all conference functions,
including educational sessions, meals and any events both days.
Includes admission to conference functions, including educational sessions, meals and any events for one day only.
Includes admission to conference functions, including educational sessions, meals and any events for one day only.
Empowerment through connection
Join executive and junior executive women from across all sectors of Oregon's restaurant, lodging and tourism industries. Be a part of ORLA's inaugural professional development and networking event highlighting women's perspectives. Attendees will explore the powerful impact that leadership, personality recognition, and intentional mentorship can have on building a strong, thriving community.
Standard Registration $45
11:30 am - 12:00 pm
12:00 pm
12:15 pm - 12:45 pm
12:45 pm - 1:00 pm
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
2:00 pm
Registration and Networking
Meet and greet women in the industry as we settle in with refreshments and fellowship.
Welcome and Introductions
Warm up with a conversational exercise to breakdown walls, learn about each other, and create space to have a motivated and impactful day.
Lunch and Targeted Table Talk
Enjoy lunch while engrossed in small group discussions on a range of industry and personal topics.
Connectivity and Mentorship
Hear from transformation strategist Dr. Kristine Medyanik of Shattered Glass Leadership on how we can empower women leaders to succeed and thrive in their environments.

C-Suite Panel
Women leading the industry will take the stage for a Q&A style discussion surrounding personal journeys, challenges and success.

Panel Moderator:
• Liz Dahlager, COO Mereté Hotel Management
• Lindsay Borkowski, Dir. of Sales & Marketing, Sunriver Resort
• Jesse Durham, CSO and Co-Owner, Sisters Coffee Co.
• Dhruti Patel, VP of Revenue and Sales, ALKO Hotels
• Samara Phelps, President & CEO, Travel Lane County
Takeaways & Goal Setting
Identify opportunities to make the most of the week ahead.
2:05 pm - 2:30 pm
Dessert Buffet
Continue discussions and networking over sweet treats from Iocal woman-owned bakery Ida's Cupcakes.
Special Thanks To Our Sponsors!